15 Aralık 2012 Cumartesi


The Monument of Memmius(Ephesus)
 In the third quarted of the 1st century B.C. a monument of honor was constructed north of Domitian Square,at the north corner of Kuretes Street.It is one of the few architectural monuments dating from the Late Hellenistic Period that has survived to the present day at Ephesus.In this monument discovered in 1959/60,an inscription was found on the first level on an architrave which recorded the name Memmius in both Greek and Latin.The monument was erected  in honor of C. Memmius,the nephew of the Roman dictator Sulla ,by Gaius Memmius,who was one of the prominent people of the city.Regarding the architectural finds made during these excavations,it was found that there was a structure above the pedestal,which had circular niches facing east,south and west.It is thought that the reliefs,which are embedded in the appropriate spaces between the columns on the walls of the Cella, concerned the prominent people of the Memmius family and the virtues of Memmius relations depicted in a personalized manner.It is possible that the oval structure ,adorned with garlands and bull capitals ,and the marble tile pieces ,which are displayed in proximity to this monument of honor ,also belonged to this structure. 

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The Building of Pollio(Ephesus)
 The Building of Polio: This monument ,which faces the Domitianus Square ,in front of the west terrace wall of the Government Agora,is between the Khalkidikum and the Fountain of Domitianus.It was constructed by the foster son of C.Sextilius Pollio ,because of this important contributions to the city of Ephesus ,in this area which was allotted by the city of administration in honor of C.Sextilius Pollio and this monument is also the cenotaph of C.Sextilius Pollio.It is known from the Latin and Greek inscriptions that this structure was constructed in 92-93 A.D. There is a monumental pedestal covered with marble pseudoizodom slabs over a ruble base covering an area of 8x65 and was 6.4m. in hight.The structure has two doorposts on two sides that merge with a grand niche .

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The Fountain of Domitianus(Ephesus)
This fountain,which faces Domitianus Street and has a large pool in front of it ,provided Domitianus Street with a monumental appearange with the fountain of Leakanius Bassus(hydrekdokheion) ,which provided the water distribution point for Ephesus.from the inscriptions this fountain was constructed in 92/93 A.D. The front of the fountain formed a large arch,decorated with two acanthus leaves on two sides.    The water brought from Mount Bülbül by way of the Great Marnas water line ,was distributed to the Government Agora ,from where it was connected to the fountain of Laekanius Bassus.ıt can be inferred,from the fact that the water pipe which continued from the Hydrekdokheion ended in this fountain and there are statues of the River Gods Marnas and the Klaseas in the north and south aediulas and the statue of Zeus on the west aedicula ,that this structure was a monumental fountain. 

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The Temple of Artemis

The Temple of Artemis was first built around 800 BCE in the ancient Greek city of Ephesus, located on the coast of what is now modern day Turkey. 

The temple was destroyed several times. It was rebuilt several times, always on the same site. It was rebuilt more impressively than the temple that had been destroyed before it.  
The first temple was destroyed in war around 550 BCE. After the war, the townspeople rebuilt. 
Some years later it was burnt down by a man who wanted his name to be remembered forever. (The townspeople created a law that said anyone who mentioned his name would be put to death, so his plan did not work very well, although he did successfully destroy the temple.) Coincidentally, it was burned down on the same day that Alexander the Great was born. 
The temple was under construction (again) when some years later Alexander the Great visited the town. Alexander was so impressed with this famous temple that he offered to give the town enough money to finishing building it if they would put his name on it. The town did not want to do that, but they did thank Alexander very nicely. (You would too if you were facing Alexander's army!) 
Alexander had seen many beautiful buildings in his travels, but this temple was so beautiful that it impressed even Alexander the Great.  
The temple in Alexander's time was highly decorated and very spacious. It was 425 feet long, 225 feet wide, and 60 feet high. 127 columns supported the roof. 
For a while, a constant stream of visitors came to see the temple. To take advantage of this traffic, various townspeople built shops around the temple. Some shops sold little replicas of the temple for tourists to take home. The town of Ephesus boomed for a while. But it didn't last. The temple was destroyed (again) around 200 CE by the Goths. 
This time, it was not rebuilt. Construction costs had increased considerably. There was not enough money in the town treasury to rebuild the temple to its former magnificence. The pieces that were not taken for new building projects slowly sunk in the marshy field until the ruin disappeared from sight altogether.  
Hundreds of years later, in the 1800's, the British Museum sent a team to search for the fabled Temple of Artemis. By then, no one had any idea where the temple used to stand. Short of digging up the whole town and the surrounding countryside, the first team found themselves rather stuck. 
Another team, sent out a few years later, got lucky. While digging in a field, they found the remains of 5 temples, one built on top of the other. They believed they had found the Temple of Artemis.   
Today, in the ancient town of Ephesus, all that remains of this incredible structure is a single column in the middle of a marshy field, left to mark the spot where the famous Temple of Artemis once stood.

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The church of St. John the Evangelist

The disciple most beloved of Christ and the only disciple to be present at the crucifixion, St John was entrusted by Christ with the care of His mother, the Virgin Mary. He later played a very important role in the dissemination of Christianity and wrote the Apocalypse during the reign of the Emperor Domitian (81-96 A.D.) to raise the morale of a people terrorized by persecution and oppression. The Apocalypse was included in the New Testament as the last book in the collection. It is generally agreed that he resided in Ephesus following his return from exile on the island of Patmos around 100 A.D. The first church to bear his name was built over his grave some years after his death but the great basilica is ascribed to the reign of the Emperor Justinian in the 6th century. According to investigations carried out on the burial chamber in 1926-28, the church was constructed over an older church of the 4th century. It was finally abandoned after the conquest of the area by the Seljuks in the 13th century, and was burned and destroyed during the Mongol raids of 1402.

The building measures 40 x 110m and is aligned on an east-west axis with the entrance on the western side. On the northern side on the left of the basilica there is a small chapel with frescos dated to the 11th century. Immediately to the left of this room, which was used by the priests as a vestry, there is a small . treasury in which valuable holy relics were kept. The baptistery was found in a good state of preservation and has since been restored. It is now known that this section existed before the church itself. Investigations have revealed column capitals belonging to the Emperor Justinian and his wife Theodora.

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14 Aralık 2012 Cuma


The City Hall (Prytaneion)
   This is one of the official buildings constructed during the Augustan Period in the Government Quarter of the city.There is an entrance to the Prytaneion from the North Stoa.There is a place where food and the sacred altar of fire were located ,constructed from ashlar masonry in the center of the main residence which has columns carrying heart shaped relief carvings.The list of the names of the Priests(Kuretes)together with religious texts were found,inscribed on the partially raised 6 Doric columns during the restoration work in front of the Prytaneion.One of the duties of the Kuretes was to ensure that the sacred fire was kept alight at all times.This eternal flame was understood to symbolize and ensure the city’s continued existence.This hearth in the Prytaneion is proof that Hestia Bulaia,the Goddess of home and the protector of the city,was worshipped in this structure.The other duties of Hestia were to organize the feasts given every year in honor of her twins  Artemis and Apollo.On the 6th of may the statue of Artemis was taken from the Temple of Artemis by a procession ,among which there where the Kuretes and according to specific ceremonial rites,the statue was paraded around the city of Ephesus and then taken back to the Temple of Artemis.Attended by the most important guests of the city and privileged people worthy of this honor ,banquets were held related to political-religious events in the grand hall of the Prytaneion and these meetings were financed by the government.Amongst the finds from the 1956 excavation of the Prytaneion ,in addition to the inscriptions ,which are extremely important for religious history ,were the finds of three Roman copies of the Artemis Ephesia cult statue ,made by Emperor Octavianus in the Augustan Period ,which were entombed after the 4th century earthquake for religious reasons,to protect the city from future eartquakes .After the 4th century earthquake , the columns carrying inscriptions and most of the other construction material from this building were reused in reconstruction work on the Kuretes Street (the name given to this street comes from these reused columns )and in the Scolastikia Bath-house. Ephesus

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The Apostle Paul in Ephesus

         In my last post, I quoted a passage from Paul’s first letter to the Corinthians in which he wrote, “But I will stay in Ephesus until Pentecost, for a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries” (1 Cor ). This fits perfectly with the picture painted of Paul’s Ephesian ministry in Acts of the Apostles.
In Acts 18, Paul visited Ephesus briefly on his trip from Corinth back to Jerusalem. Verse 24 introduces a Jewish teacher named Apollos, who taught in the synagogue in Ephesus. This synagogue hasn’t been located by archeologists. Apollos accurately passed on some truths about Jesus, but didn’t know the whole story. So a leading Christian couple, Priscilla and Aquila, taught Apollos the what he had been missing. More fully informed, Apollos journeyed on to Corinth.
Acts 19 begins with Paul’s appearance at Ephesus. First, he laid hands on some disciples who received the Holy Spirit with power. Next, he presented the message of the kingdom of God in the Jewish synagogue, arguing persuasively. But when most of the Jews were closed to Paul’s message, he moved to the lecture hall of Tyrannus, where he continued preaching for two years. Today, we do not know exactly the location of this lecture hall. In all likelihood, it was a place where the men of Ephesus gathered for lectures on various subjects, including philosophy and religion. Ephesus was well known in the ancient world as a place of learning, and Paul would have been seen as one more philosopher with a tempting message offering transformation and immortality. (The photo to the right shows the Odeum in Ephesus, a theatre that could seat more than 1,000 people. Public lectures were given here. This was also the place where the city business was done.)

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Hercules Gate (Ephesus)

Located towards the end of the Curetes Street, it was called the Hercules gate because of the relief of Hercules on it. It was brought from another place in the fourth century AD to its current place, but the relief on it dates back to the second century AD.
Only the two side of the columns remain today and the other parts of it have not been found. The relief of the flying Nike in the Domitian Square is thought to also be a part of this gate.
The Heracles Gate narrowed the access to the street, preventing the passage of vehicles.We can understand that from the Fourth Century, the street had become a pedestrian area. In these reliefs Heracles was depicting with the skin of the Nemean lion in mythology. The Nemean lion had been terrorizing the area around Nemea, and had a skin so thick that it was impossible to kill it. Finally he wrestled the lion to the ground, eventually killing it by thrusting his arm down its throat and choking it to death. Heracles was the god of power and strenght.

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Terrace Houses(Ephesus)

Houses on the slopes behind Ephesus are to be seen opposite the Temple of Hadrian. Those on the upper slopes are reached via steps. They are situated on the slopes of Bulbul Mountain, with the roof of one house forming the terrace of that above it. They were inhabited by wealthy Ephesians, and are finely decorated with mosaics and frescos. Built in the period of Augustus, they were much altered and continued to be inhabited until the 7th century AD., according to the evidence of excavations. Two of the insulae houses have been totally restored and are now open to the public.
Peristyle House I: This two-storeyed house covers an area of 900 m2. It is a 12-roomed house entered via a flight of steps leading down to a hall (A1 ), to the right of which is another flight of stairs, flanked by a facet and basin, which leads to the other rooms of the house. A2 is reached via a passageway. It is the courtyard, with four doric columns in the corners and paved in marble. The remains of a fountain can be seen in the northern corner of the court. Beyond this are the halls A10-11, which have mosaic floors and frescos decorating the walls. The house dates from the 1st century AD, but these two rooms were added in 400 AD. One of these rooms is flanked bya staircase leading up to the upper floor of the house, and beyond that is another chamber decorated with frescos and with a mosaic floor (B7).East of the peristyle courtyard is a hall with walls 4 m. in height. Situated next to the entrance, this room is decorated with fresco scenes from the plays of Euripides-namely 'Orestes', to the left and the comedies of Menander to the right, namely 'Sikyonioi'. It is known as the theatre room because of these frescos. The other walls are decorated with figures, namely the combat of Acheloos, the river god, with Herakles to the left. The frescos in this room, which also has a mosaic floor, must date to the 2nd century AD. The house also possesses a bathroom, to the south of the entrance hall (A.8), with the kitchen flanking it (A.12). Next to this are various small chambers opening onto the flanking street, and the service entrance. Artefacts found during the course of excavation are displayed in situ.
Peristyle House II: This is beyond the first house. It possesses two peristyles and is larger than the other houses on the insula. First built in the Ist century AD., it underwent various restorations up to the 7th century. The main peristyle (B1 ), which possesses columns dating to the 5th century in the Corinthian order,flanks to the south, a long gallery covered from end to end in black and white geometric mosaics. Opposite this is a second gallery containing mosaics of Triton and Nereide. Triton bears in his left hand, the spear of his father Poseidon, while holding the reigns of the sea horse bearing Nereide in his right hand. These figures are placed before the vaulted open niche (B.6). The latter is paved with black and white marble in a basketwork pattern. Frescos on the walls include the heads of Dionysus and Ariadne framed by medallions, surrounded by trees, peacocks, ducks and cockerels. These mosaics are dated to the 5th century AD., and are in extremely good condition. The vaults are framed to both sides by a fresco frieze depicting Eros figures bearing a garland. Other rooms of various sizes to the east of the house are paved with black and white mosaic patterns and embellished with frescos of birds and floral patterns. The walls of two other rooms (B9 and 10) are decorated with fresco panels of muses, dating to the 4th century.
B11-12 is the dining hall. Niches set into the southern wall mark the wash-basins. They contain frescos which were restored in monochrome at a much later period. The kitchen is on the western corner of the house, and is decorated with frescos of fish and birds. The second peristyle (B14) fianks this hall.

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The Odeion (Ephesus)

        This is the structure located on the hillside of Mountain  Pion that was defined as the City Council Hall (Bouleuterion) or Concert Hall(Odeion) after its discovery by J.T. Wood, who excavated at Ephesus in the 19th centruy.The Odeion was the place where the members of the City Council, comprising the wealthy poeple of Ephesus and Kuretes (Priests) gathered and discussed the future of the city and also listened to musical concerts.It is understood from the inscriptions on the architrave that it was constructed by P. Vedius Antonius and his wife Flavia Papiana, who were amongst the wealthy inhabitants of the city in the 2nd century A.D. Its  seating capacity is for approximately 1500 people.Entrance to the diazoma is provided by the gates of the Stoic Basilica,on the east and west corners of the stage structure.There are also entrances from the gates in the northern wall and in the high arched spaces on the edges of the parados.There is a broad diazoma (walkway)which divides the seating area into two foundations.Its seating capacity  xareas(cavea) are divided by radial stairs into sections called kerkis.It is presumed from the architectural parts and the traces that were found in the excavations that there used to be a gallery adorned with red marble columns behind the upper seating area(cavea).The ground of the orchestra ,which is between the lowest seating area and the stage , was originally covered with a stone slab pavement.The front of the stage is of two storeys with columns and aediculas (small niches)that were filled with statues and the stage can be entered through five smaller gates.Today there is not much is left of this spectacular stage.In order to protect the audıence from the sun an d rain structures such as the Bouleuterion and Odeion,were covered by wood and fired clay tiles,supported by a big triangular sculptures of Emperor Verus ,a wooden truss framework.The young Faustina , a torso of Silenos and Mousa Erate were amongst the sculptural finds made by J.T.Wood in the 19th century ,and which were taken to the British Museum ,London.The restoration work in the odeion was conducted by the Seljuk Museum of Ephesus in 1970 and in 1990.

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Nike:The goddess of Victory and Sport Activity (Ephesus)

NIKE (or Nicé) was the winged goddess or spirit (daimon) of victory, both in battle and peaceful competition. When Zeus was gathering allies at the start of the Titan War, Styx brought her four children, Nike (Victory), Zelos (Rivalry), Kratos (Strength) and Bia (Force) into the service of the god. Nike was appointed his charioteer, and all four were appointed as sentinels standing beside the throne of the god. Beyond this Nike never acquired any distinctive mythology of her own.

Nike was depicted in ancient Greek vase painting with a variety of attributes including a wreath or sash to crown a victor, an oinochoe and phiale (bowl and cup) for libations, a thymiaterion (incense burner), an altar, and a lyre for the celebration of victory in song.
In scenes of the Gigantomachia (War of the Giants) she often appears driving the chariot of Zeus. In mosaic art and coins Nike isoften shown holding a palm branch as a symbol of victory.

Nike was closely identified with the goddess Athena, sometimes appearing merely as an attribute of the goddess. Sometimes the goddess was pluralised into Nikai.

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13 Aralık 2012 Perşembe


Virgin Mary

In the closing years of the nineteenth century, the Aegean coast of Turkey witnessed three of the greatest archaeological finds of all time. Two of these – the discoveries of the ruins of Ephesus and Troy, made international headlines overnight. The third, however, in 1881, was immediately enveloped in secrecy.

It was kept a secret because nobody in the Vatican believed that an obscure French priest, following the visions of an equally obscure German nun and mystic, could possibly have found the actual house where the Virgin Mary spent her last years. Yet by the end of the century the evidence had become so compelling that scholars had pronounced the discovery authentic and Pope Leo XIII had declared the site a place of pilgrimage.

Located on the top of "Nightingale" mountain, The House of the Virgin Mary (Meryemana in Turkish), is located in a nature park between Ephesus and Seljuk, and is believed to be the last residence of the Virgin Mary, mother of Jesus. The peaceful site is sacred to both Christians and Muslims, and is visited by many tourists and pilgrims.
It is the place where Mary may have spent her last days. Indeed, she may have come to the area together with the Apostle John, who spent several years in Ephesus to spread Christianity. For three years, Apostle Paul preached Christianity in Ephesus after 53 AD. When he died, Apostle John replaced him. The legend says that Virgin Mary came with him and lived in Ephesus until her death. (AD 37-45)

According to predominant Christian tradition, Mary was brought to Ephesus by the Apostle John after the Resurrection of Christ and lived out her days there. This is based mainly on the traditional belief that John came to Ephesus combined with the biblical statement that Jesus consigned her to John's care (John 19:26-27).
The house is a typical Roman architectural example, entirely made of stones. Archaeologists who have examined the home believe most of the building dates from the 6th or 7th century. But its foundations are much older and may well date from the 1st century AD, the time of Mary.
Pope Paul VI visited in the 1960's. Later, in the 1980's, during his visit, Pope John-Paul II declared the Shrine of Virgin Mary as a pilgrimage place for Christians. It is also visited by Muslims who recognize Mary as the mother of one of their prophets. Every year, on August 15th, a ceremony is organized to commemorate Mary's Assumption. On November 29, 2006, Pope Benedict XVI celebrated mass here.

The mystery of this site started with a German nun called Catherine Emmerich who was born in 1772. She documented a story called, "The Life of the Holy Virgin Mary", where she describes in great detail the exact description locating the house where Mary lived, on a mountain in Ephesus.
Sister Emmerich, an invalid confined to bed, awoke in a trance with the stigmata and visions that included the Virgin Mary and Apostle John traveling from Jerusalem to Ephesus. She described Mary’s house in detail, which was recorded at her bedside. Emmerich described a rectangular stone house, which John had built for Mary. It had a fireplace and an apse and a round back wall. The room next to the apse was Mary’s bedroom, which had a spring running into it. The spring that runs under the Virgin’s House is believed to have healing properties, and many miracles have been reported. Inside the house are crutches and canes said to be left behind by those who were healed by the sacred spring.
Sister Emmerich also described Mary's death and bodily resurrection from this place as well as a cave next to it, the stations of the Cross, a Basilica John built for Mary, the cave of John’s death and his Basilica - all in Ephesus.
In the late 1890’s two priests were fascinated by her writings and decided to research what she wrote. The priests were amazed with what they found, by an invalid nun who had never left Germany. They found a site with holes in the ground for a cistern and a well, along with a destroyed chapel whose foundations likely dated from the first century. In the minds of many, Mary’s house had been found. In 1951, the site was carefully restored to reflect the way the home was when Mary lived there over 2,000 years ago.

Also along the wall are several recesses offering access to water from the spring, which is said to have healing properties. It is believed that Mary lived her last days drinking the healing water of this fountain. Today it is still regarded as holy water and many claims have been made of cures by drinking this water.
This house and the story, are still circumstantial. It's no different from any other improvable story in religion. It requires a leap of faith.
The supporters of the belief that the Virgin Mary lived her last years and died in Ephesus base their theory on two main points:

-- The presence of the Tomb of St. John and St. John's Basilica in Ephesus. Jesus Christ, before dying on the cross, entrusted to St. John his mother (19:26-27). It is believed that after the crucifixion of Jesus, St. John left Jerusalem and came to Ephesus, one of the biggest and safest cities of its time (capital of the Asia Minor province of the Roman Empire), and built a small hut for Virgin Mary just outside Ephesus in order to protect her from the non-Christian community of Ephesus.

-- The presence of the Church of Mary, the first basilica in the world dedicated to the Virgin Mary, in Ephesus. In the early centuries of Christianity, places of worship were dedicated only to persons who lived or died in the locality.

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Ephesus Museum

The excavations which have been continueing since the last century at Ephesus, today are being carried out by Austrian archaeologists. The works unearthed during these excavations are being displayed at the Ephesus Museum. However the works obtained in excavations prior to World War II, were taken to the Vienna Museum. The works museum which formerly was situated in a small building, the new building was further enlarged in 1979 to the present size of today's Ephesus Museum. The works brought from the ruins of Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis, the Ayasoluk Hill and the Belevi Mausoleum are being displayed in this museum. All of these are spread out in seven different halls. The first hall is for household findings. Here, the frescoes found in the homes of Ephesus and the mosaics among which the head of Medusa and Dionysos of 5th century take place, draw attention. The most remarkable one is the fresco of Sokrates, the famous philosopher, made in 1st century A.D. Again the head of Sokrates made out of marble in 3rd century A.D. is also being exhibited in this hall. Another remarkable work in this hall which is on display in a showcase and made in form of the fountain of a pool is the small Statue of Eros with Dolphin which belongs to the 2nd century A.D. The waters are being poured out of the eyes of dolphin into the pool. Statues of Asklepios, the God of Health, of Artemis, small statue of the Egyptian monk of 6th century B.C. and the Statue of Bes, made out of baked soil in 2nd century AD., symbolizing fertility are the favourite works of this hall. The most attractive one among the statues and heads of Eros, taking place in this hall, is the Roman Copy of Eros' head made by Lysippos in the Hellenistic period. Next to the child Eros' head, found in Bouleuterion, the portrait bust of Menander, the comedy writer takes place.

Busts of Emperor Tiberius and the Empress Livia, Statue of Artemis and the bronze human head of Roman period are some of the other works of this hall.
From this hall, it is proceeded into a hall where findings of a small door and a fountain take place. The first work on the right hand side is the head of Zeus of 1st century B.C Next to this, the statue of Aphrodisias of 1st century A.D. and in the centre the statue of a resting warrior of I st century A.D. take place. On the left hand side of the same hall, the statue group of Polyphemos and Odysseus of 1st century A.D. can be seen. These works initially placed on the frontal of the Temple of Augustus, later were moved to the Fountain of Pollio. On the ground, the friends of Odysseus killed by the giant and on the side, Odysseus carrying a stake to take the giant's eye out are seen. Right across from this group the statues of Trajan Fountain take place. Here statues of young Dionysus of 2nd century A.D., of Satyr in laying position (2nd century A.D.)and of Dionysus and imperial family by the wall are exhibited. On the other side of this hall, are the statues of Laecanius Bassus Fountain, also called the Water Palace. On the wall, the Roman copies of the head of a warrior with helmet and the head of Lysimachos of 5th century B.C are some of the works which draw attention.
Ephesus Artemision Church of St.John Isabey Mosque Plan of Ephesus Cave of the Seven Sleepers State Agora - Aqueduct of Sextilius Pollio Odeion (Bouleuterion) - Baths of Varius Prytaneion (Municipal Hall) Basilica - Fountain of Laecanius Bassus Fountain of Pollio Temple of Domitian Memmius Monument Victory Arch with Reliefs of Hercules Street of the Curretes Fountain of Trajan Temple of Hadrian Round Tower - Baths of Scholastikia Brothel Terrace Houses Celsus Library Agora Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates at the agora Marble way Arcadian Street - Ephesus Theatre Stadium - Harbour Baths Church of the Virgin Mary Vedius Gymnasium Harbour Gymnasium and Verulanus Baths House of the Virgin Mary Ephesus Museum The excavations which have been continueing since the last century at Ephesus, today are being carried out by Austrian archaeologists. The works unearthed during these excavations are being displayed at the Ephesus Museum. However the works obtained in excavations prior to World War II, were taken to the Vienna Museum. The works museum which formerly was situated in a small building, the new building was further enlarged in 1979 to the present size of today's Ephesus Museum. The works brought from the ruins of Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis, the Ayasoluk Hill and the Belevi Mausoleum are being displayed in this museum. All of these are spread out in seven different halls. The first hall is for household findings. Here, the frescoes found in the homes of Ephesus and the mosaics among which the head of Medusa and Dionysos of 5th century take place, draw attention. The most remarkable one is the fresco of Sokrates, the famous philosopher, made in 1st century A.D. Again the head of Sokrates made out of marble in 3rd century A.D. is also being exhibited in this hall. Another remarkable work in this hall which is on display in a showcase and made in form of the fountain of a pool is the small Statue of Eros with Dolphin which belongs to the 2nd century A.D. The waters are being poured out of the eyes of dolphin into the pool. Statues of Asklepios, the God of Health, of Artemis, small statue of the Egyptian monk of 6th century B.C. and the Statue of Bes, made out of baked soil in 2nd century AD., symbolizing fertility are the favourite works of this hall. The most attractive one among the statues and heads of Eros, taking place in this hall, is the Roman Copy of Eros' head made by Lysippos in the Hellenistic period. Next to the child Eros' head, found in Bouleuterion, the portrait bust of Menander, the comedy writer takes place. Busts of Emperor Tiberius and the Empress Livia, Statue of Artemis and the bronze human head of Roman period are some of the other works of this hall. From this hall, it is proceeded into a hall where findings of a small door and a fountain take place. The first work on the right hand side is the head of Zeus of 1st century B.C Next to this, the statue of Aphrodisias of 1st century A.D. and in the centre the statue of a resting warrior of I st century A.D. take place. On the left hand side of the same hall, the statue group of Polyphemos and Odysseus of 1st century A.D. can be seen. These works initially placed on the frontal of the Temple of Augustus, later were moved to the Fountain of Pollio. On the ground, the friends of Odysseus killed by the giant and on the side, Odysseus carrying a stake to take the giant's eye out are seen. Right across from this group the statues of Trajan Fountain take place. Here statues of young Dionysus of 2nd century A.D., of Satyr in laying position (2nd century A.D.)and of Dionysus and imperial family by the wall are exhibited. On the other side of this hall, are the statues of Laecanius Bassus Fountain, also called the Water Palace. On the wall, the Roman copies of the head of a warrior with helmet and the head of Lysimachos of 5th century B.C are some of the works which draw attention. From here, it is proceeded to the hall of recent findings. Crosses, coins and the works of I st century AD. such as glass trays, theatrical masks, candles found in the Seven Sleepers' Cavern; the bust of Emperor Marcus Arelius found in homes on the slope are some of the works that can be seen here. The ivory frieze which is one of the finest works of the Museum was found in the homes of the slope in 1969. The work which belongs to 2nd century AD. depicts the war, Emperor Trajan fought against barbarians, Emperor Trajan can be clearly identified in the high relief on the central panel, From here, it is proceeded to the garden of Museum. In the frontal of a temple placed in this garden one can see the friezes of the Pollio Fountain completed and placed thereon, Also pillar heads, and on the west wall, tomb and vow steles are being exhibited here, The large sarcophagus which takes place in the garden is brough't here from the Belevi Mausoleum which is at a distance of 11 km. from Selcuk, It is believed that this Mausoleum of 3rd century B.C., belongs to Antiochos Theos II, died in 246 B.C. in Ephesus, who is one of the kings of Seleukos after Alexander the Great. Today at the site of this Mausoleum which is 23 m. high and has dimensions of 29 .65x29 .65 m. only its pedestal can be seen
From the garden, it is proceeded to the tomb findings hall. Here, interment ceremonies and traditions, and also tomb findings are on display. Also, Mycenaean dishes found in one of the graves which dates back to almost 1400 B.C. and is located at St. Jean, can be seen here. In the middle of this hall, a ciazomenae type sarcophagus of 5th century B.C., found in the Trade Agora of Ephesus and made of baked soil and also the works found in it are being exhibited. Also, the works found in the Seven Sleepers' Cavern are in this hall. In addition, the statue of the mother Goddess Cybele which belongs to 6th century B.C., and the stele of Olympia, the daughter of Diokles of 2nd century B.C. are other works that attract attention.
In the Artemis hall which is visited next, the statues of Artemis and the works found in the Temple of Artemis take place. Both statues of Artemis, one called the Great Artemis and the other called the Beautiful Artemis were found during the excavations made at Ephesus Prytaneion. The Great Artemis is 2.92 m. tall and belongs to 2nd century A.D. and has a triple bonnet on her head. The Beautiful Artemis is 1.74 m. tall and is made about 50 years after the other and besides her, sacred animals take place. These statues, with their multibreasts, represent fertility. The golden goddess statue found in the excavations of the Temple of Artemis which is on display in the showcase belongs to 2nd century B.C. The ivory, baked soil, bronze and golden works belong to the period between 7th and 5th centuries B.C. and were left at the temple as vow articles. From here, it is proceeded to a hall where emperor cults and portraits are on display. The first statue seen in this hall is of 6th century A.D. and belongs to Consul Stephanos. Other portraits which belong to distinguished inhabitants of Ephesus belong to 3rd century A.D. 4 pieces of friezes which belong to Temple of Hadrianus of 3rd century are also being displayed in this hall. In the centre, a part of the altar of Domitian Temple can be seen. Also Julia Paula's bust, and the bust of emperors such as Commodus, Trajan, Nero, Germanicus and Augustus take place here. When we leave this hall after seeing the statues of Augustus and of his wife Livia we shall have completed our tour through the Museum.

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The History of Ephesus 

Ephesus is within the borders of Selçuk County in the Province of Izmir and was one of the most famous cities of antiquity. It was founded on the shore of the bay into which the river Cayster drains and on the adjacent hillside of Mount Pion.The beginning of human settlement at Ephesus occurred during the Neolithic period,c.6000 B.C.The Mycenaean tomb and the Mycenaean ceramics found on Ayasuluk Hill in excavations carried out in recent years provide evidence that there was a Mycenaean settement in the area, like other Mycenaean settlements located along the aegean coastlines. It ıs stated that the location of the settlements belonging to the Bronze Age and the Hittite Period were on the mounds around Ephesus and upon Ayasuluk Hill, where the castle stands today. The name of the city during the Hittite period was Apasas. With the wave of migrations that began from central Europe around 1200 B.C, the Dorians moved southwards,and the Aeolians and Ionians,who were escaping from the Dorians moved to the areas south and the nort of the river Gediz. The Dorians later settled in the area of the Caria in the southwestern corner of Anatolia.The geographer Strabo recorded that the both the Carians and the Leleges, the native inhabitants of the area ,were in Ephesus before the colonist arrived.

According to mythology,the Oracle of Delfi made a prophecy concerning Androklos, son of the Athenian king Kadros,who wanted to establish new cities.¨The fish will jump, the boar will flee and there you will establish a city having a bright future.¨ After Androklos left for Anatolia, he wandered through many places and finally when he was in this region, the oil in the pan spluttered while the fish was being fried, the fish jumped from the pan and with it went the flames which ignited the surrounding bushes. The boar which was hiding in the bushes that now caught fire began to run away from the flames and Androklos ,the leader of the colonist,mounted his horse pursued the boar and killed it. The prophecy was fulfilled when he killed the boar and there Androkolos established the Ionian city of Ephesus

Androkolos ruled the city as the first Basilid. His rule was successively followed by rule by an oligarchy,by tyranny and then by democracy.The first information about Ephesus dates from the 7th century B.C. and Ephesus as a member of the Panionion,the Ionian League, fought with the neighboring cities of the Melie an Magnesia in order to increase its power in the area. In 645 B.C., the city was defended against the assaults of the Cimmerians, who came from Russia, under the leadership of Lygdamis. In 545, the Lydian King Croesus laid siege to the city and he captured it. King Croesus gave money to the city for the construction of a temple dedicated to Artemis and he forced the Ionians, who had settled on the hillside of Mount Pion, and the native population, who has settle around the temple, to reside together  in the city. In 546 B.C., following the defeat of King Croesus by the Persians,Ephesus was conquered by the Persian satrap (governor) of Cyrus II (Cyrus the Great). In the firs years of the Ionian revolts between 499 and 493 B.C. the Persians used the city of Ephesus as a military base during their siege of the city of Sardis. In 494 B.C. the Ephesians killed all the people of Chios who had survived the Battle of Lade,because the seaport cities of Chios and Miletus leaders in the Ionia upheavals,were the largest trade rivals of Ephesus

Ephesus supported Sparta in the Peloponnesian War between 431 and 404 B.C. and joined the rebellion against Athens in 412 B.C. In return for this military support, Ephesus was transformed in to a military headquarters by the Spartan king Agesilaus during the period of threats made by the Persians after 403 B.C. In 394 B.C. the Ephesians joined the maritime leauge of Conon against Sparta. 

Alexander the Great conquered the city in 334 B.C.and from this date a period of prosperity for Ephesus began which lasted for about 50 years. Alexander offered to help in the reconstruction of the Temple of Artemis,which had been burned down but his offer of assistance was politely rejected by the Ephesians, who flatteringly remarker that,¨ it wouldn’t be appropriate for one God to build a temple for another God ¨. After the death of Alexander the Great, the city was dominated by Lysimachus, one of Alexander’s generals who between 286 and 281 B.C. moved the city to the valley between Mount Koressos and Mount Pion. He relocated the inhabitants he brought from the cities of Lebedos and Colophon to this valley and he gave the city his wife’s name ,Arsinoe, but this new name was almost immediately forgotten. Ephesus was prosperous during the Helenistic period. 

However, in the Augustan period,Ephesus became one of most important cities of Roman Asia and the public works at Ephesus, which began with contructions such as the triumphal arch of 3 B.C. and the aquaduct built between 4 and 14 A.D., made the city the largest and the most important city of the Roman Empire in Anatolia. In the meantime, Christianity was spreading rapidly in the city. In 57A.D. ,the Roman population who were opposed to what Saint Paul taught rioted against this new religion in the theatre of Ephesus.Both the house in which the Virgin Mary spent her last days and the place where John the Evangelist died are in the vicinity of Ephesus .Ephesus  was also one of the Seven Churches of Asia mentioned in the Bible and the Divine Revelations came to the Evangelist John in this city. 

In 431 A.D. the Third Ecumenical Council gathered at the Church of Mary in Ephesus where the Council condemned the teachings of Nestorius and accepted the defination of the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God.At the beginning of the Middle Ages the port of Ephesus had silted up,with the alluvium deposited by the River Cayster and consequently Ephesus  was no longer  a seaport and centre of intarnational trade,considerably reducing its importance.When Ephesus was conquered by the Seljuks in 1090,it was only a small town and after the short-lived golden days of Aydınoğulları Emirate in the 14th century, Ephesus was abandoned.Ephesus had been home to people who have been acknowledged as important in the world of science and art.  

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