13 Aralık 2012 Perşembe

The History of Ephesus 

Ephesus is within the borders of Selçuk County in the Province of Izmir and was one of the most famous cities of antiquity. It was founded on the shore of the bay into which the river Cayster drains and on the adjacent hillside of Mount Pion.The beginning of human settlement at Ephesus occurred during the Neolithic period,c.6000 B.C.The Mycenaean tomb and the Mycenaean ceramics found on Ayasuluk Hill in excavations carried out in recent years provide evidence that there was a Mycenaean settement in the area, like other Mycenaean settlements located along the aegean coastlines. It ıs stated that the location of the settlements belonging to the Bronze Age and the Hittite Period were on the mounds around Ephesus and upon Ayasuluk Hill, where the castle stands today. The name of the city during the Hittite period was Apasas. With the wave of migrations that began from central Europe around 1200 B.C, the Dorians moved southwards,and the Aeolians and Ionians,who were escaping from the Dorians moved to the areas south and the nort of the river Gediz. The Dorians later settled in the area of the Caria in the southwestern corner of Anatolia.The geographer Strabo recorded that the both the Carians and the Leleges, the native inhabitants of the area ,were in Ephesus before the colonist arrived.

According to mythology,the Oracle of Delfi made a prophecy concerning Androklos, son of the Athenian king Kadros,who wanted to establish new cities.¨The fish will jump, the boar will flee and there you will establish a city having a bright future.¨ After Androklos left for Anatolia, he wandered through many places and finally when he was in this region, the oil in the pan spluttered while the fish was being fried, the fish jumped from the pan and with it went the flames which ignited the surrounding bushes. The boar which was hiding in the bushes that now caught fire began to run away from the flames and Androklos ,the leader of the colonist,mounted his horse pursued the boar and killed it. The prophecy was fulfilled when he killed the boar and there Androkolos established the Ionian city of Ephesus

Androkolos ruled the city as the first Basilid. His rule was successively followed by rule by an oligarchy,by tyranny and then by democracy.The first information about Ephesus dates from the 7th century B.C. and Ephesus as a member of the Panionion,the Ionian League, fought with the neighboring cities of the Melie an Magnesia in order to increase its power in the area. In 645 B.C., the city was defended against the assaults of the Cimmerians, who came from Russia, under the leadership of Lygdamis. In 545, the Lydian King Croesus laid siege to the city and he captured it. King Croesus gave money to the city for the construction of a temple dedicated to Artemis and he forced the Ionians, who had settled on the hillside of Mount Pion, and the native population, who has settle around the temple, to reside together  in the city. In 546 B.C., following the defeat of King Croesus by the Persians,Ephesus was conquered by the Persian satrap (governor) of Cyrus II (Cyrus the Great). In the firs years of the Ionian revolts between 499 and 493 B.C. the Persians used the city of Ephesus as a military base during their siege of the city of Sardis. In 494 B.C. the Ephesians killed all the people of Chios who had survived the Battle of Lade,because the seaport cities of Chios and Miletus leaders in the Ionia upheavals,were the largest trade rivals of Ephesus

Ephesus supported Sparta in the Peloponnesian War between 431 and 404 B.C. and joined the rebellion against Athens in 412 B.C. In return for this military support, Ephesus was transformed in to a military headquarters by the Spartan king Agesilaus during the period of threats made by the Persians after 403 B.C. In 394 B.C. the Ephesians joined the maritime leauge of Conon against Sparta. 

Alexander the Great conquered the city in 334 B.C.and from this date a period of prosperity for Ephesus began which lasted for about 50 years. Alexander offered to help in the reconstruction of the Temple of Artemis,which had been burned down but his offer of assistance was politely rejected by the Ephesians, who flatteringly remarker that,¨ it wouldn’t be appropriate for one God to build a temple for another God ¨. After the death of Alexander the Great, the city was dominated by Lysimachus, one of Alexander’s generals who between 286 and 281 B.C. moved the city to the valley between Mount Koressos and Mount Pion. He relocated the inhabitants he brought from the cities of Lebedos and Colophon to this valley and he gave the city his wife’s name ,Arsinoe, but this new name was almost immediately forgotten. Ephesus was prosperous during the Helenistic period. 

However, in the Augustan period,Ephesus became one of most important cities of Roman Asia and the public works at Ephesus, which began with contructions such as the triumphal arch of 3 B.C. and the aquaduct built between 4 and 14 A.D., made the city the largest and the most important city of the Roman Empire in Anatolia. In the meantime, Christianity was spreading rapidly in the city. In 57A.D. ,the Roman population who were opposed to what Saint Paul taught rioted against this new religion in the theatre of Ephesus.Both the house in which the Virgin Mary spent her last days and the place where John the Evangelist died are in the vicinity of Ephesus .Ephesus  was also one of the Seven Churches of Asia mentioned in the Bible and the Divine Revelations came to the Evangelist John in this city. 

In 431 A.D. the Third Ecumenical Council gathered at the Church of Mary in Ephesus where the Council condemned the teachings of Nestorius and accepted the defination of the Virgin Mary as the Mother of God.At the beginning of the Middle Ages the port of Ephesus had silted up,with the alluvium deposited by the River Cayster and consequently Ephesus  was no longer  a seaport and centre of intarnational trade,considerably reducing its importance.When Ephesus was conquered by the Seljuks in 1090,it was only a small town and after the short-lived golden days of Aydınoğulları Emirate in the 14th century, Ephesus was abandoned.Ephesus had been home to people who have been acknowledged as important in the world of science and art.  

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