13 Aralık 2012 Perşembe


Ephesus Museum

The excavations which have been continueing since the last century at Ephesus, today are being carried out by Austrian archaeologists. The works unearthed during these excavations are being displayed at the Ephesus Museum. However the works obtained in excavations prior to World War II, were taken to the Vienna Museum. The works museum which formerly was situated in a small building, the new building was further enlarged in 1979 to the present size of today's Ephesus Museum. The works brought from the ruins of Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis, the Ayasoluk Hill and the Belevi Mausoleum are being displayed in this museum. All of these are spread out in seven different halls. The first hall is for household findings. Here, the frescoes found in the homes of Ephesus and the mosaics among which the head of Medusa and Dionysos of 5th century take place, draw attention. The most remarkable one is the fresco of Sokrates, the famous philosopher, made in 1st century A.D. Again the head of Sokrates made out of marble in 3rd century A.D. is also being exhibited in this hall. Another remarkable work in this hall which is on display in a showcase and made in form of the fountain of a pool is the small Statue of Eros with Dolphin which belongs to the 2nd century A.D. The waters are being poured out of the eyes of dolphin into the pool. Statues of Asklepios, the God of Health, of Artemis, small statue of the Egyptian monk of 6th century B.C. and the Statue of Bes, made out of baked soil in 2nd century AD., symbolizing fertility are the favourite works of this hall. The most attractive one among the statues and heads of Eros, taking place in this hall, is the Roman Copy of Eros' head made by Lysippos in the Hellenistic period. Next to the child Eros' head, found in Bouleuterion, the portrait bust of Menander, the comedy writer takes place.

Busts of Emperor Tiberius and the Empress Livia, Statue of Artemis and the bronze human head of Roman period are some of the other works of this hall.
From this hall, it is proceeded into a hall where findings of a small door and a fountain take place. The first work on the right hand side is the head of Zeus of 1st century B.C Next to this, the statue of Aphrodisias of 1st century A.D. and in the centre the statue of a resting warrior of I st century A.D. take place. On the left hand side of the same hall, the statue group of Polyphemos and Odysseus of 1st century A.D. can be seen. These works initially placed on the frontal of the Temple of Augustus, later were moved to the Fountain of Pollio. On the ground, the friends of Odysseus killed by the giant and on the side, Odysseus carrying a stake to take the giant's eye out are seen. Right across from this group the statues of Trajan Fountain take place. Here statues of young Dionysus of 2nd century A.D., of Satyr in laying position (2nd century A.D.)and of Dionysus and imperial family by the wall are exhibited. On the other side of this hall, are the statues of Laecanius Bassus Fountain, also called the Water Palace. On the wall, the Roman copies of the head of a warrior with helmet and the head of Lysimachos of 5th century B.C are some of the works which draw attention.
Ephesus Artemision Church of St.John Isabey Mosque Plan of Ephesus Cave of the Seven Sleepers State Agora - Aqueduct of Sextilius Pollio Odeion (Bouleuterion) - Baths of Varius Prytaneion (Municipal Hall) Basilica - Fountain of Laecanius Bassus Fountain of Pollio Temple of Domitian Memmius Monument Victory Arch with Reliefs of Hercules Street of the Curretes Fountain of Trajan Temple of Hadrian Round Tower - Baths of Scholastikia Brothel Terrace Houses Celsus Library Agora Gate of Mazaeus and Mithridates at the agora Marble way Arcadian Street - Ephesus Theatre Stadium - Harbour Baths Church of the Virgin Mary Vedius Gymnasium Harbour Gymnasium and Verulanus Baths House of the Virgin Mary Ephesus Museum The excavations which have been continueing since the last century at Ephesus, today are being carried out by Austrian archaeologists. The works unearthed during these excavations are being displayed at the Ephesus Museum. However the works obtained in excavations prior to World War II, were taken to the Vienna Museum. The works museum which formerly was situated in a small building, the new building was further enlarged in 1979 to the present size of today's Ephesus Museum. The works brought from the ruins of Ephesus, the Temple of Artemis, the Ayasoluk Hill and the Belevi Mausoleum are being displayed in this museum. All of these are spread out in seven different halls. The first hall is for household findings. Here, the frescoes found in the homes of Ephesus and the mosaics among which the head of Medusa and Dionysos of 5th century take place, draw attention. The most remarkable one is the fresco of Sokrates, the famous philosopher, made in 1st century A.D. Again the head of Sokrates made out of marble in 3rd century A.D. is also being exhibited in this hall. Another remarkable work in this hall which is on display in a showcase and made in form of the fountain of a pool is the small Statue of Eros with Dolphin which belongs to the 2nd century A.D. The waters are being poured out of the eyes of dolphin into the pool. Statues of Asklepios, the God of Health, of Artemis, small statue of the Egyptian monk of 6th century B.C. and the Statue of Bes, made out of baked soil in 2nd century AD., symbolizing fertility are the favourite works of this hall. The most attractive one among the statues and heads of Eros, taking place in this hall, is the Roman Copy of Eros' head made by Lysippos in the Hellenistic period. Next to the child Eros' head, found in Bouleuterion, the portrait bust of Menander, the comedy writer takes place. Busts of Emperor Tiberius and the Empress Livia, Statue of Artemis and the bronze human head of Roman period are some of the other works of this hall. From this hall, it is proceeded into a hall where findings of a small door and a fountain take place. The first work on the right hand side is the head of Zeus of 1st century B.C Next to this, the statue of Aphrodisias of 1st century A.D. and in the centre the statue of a resting warrior of I st century A.D. take place. On the left hand side of the same hall, the statue group of Polyphemos and Odysseus of 1st century A.D. can be seen. These works initially placed on the frontal of the Temple of Augustus, later were moved to the Fountain of Pollio. On the ground, the friends of Odysseus killed by the giant and on the side, Odysseus carrying a stake to take the giant's eye out are seen. Right across from this group the statues of Trajan Fountain take place. Here statues of young Dionysus of 2nd century A.D., of Satyr in laying position (2nd century A.D.)and of Dionysus and imperial family by the wall are exhibited. On the other side of this hall, are the statues of Laecanius Bassus Fountain, also called the Water Palace. On the wall, the Roman copies of the head of a warrior with helmet and the head of Lysimachos of 5th century B.C are some of the works which draw attention. From here, it is proceeded to the hall of recent findings. Crosses, coins and the works of I st century AD. such as glass trays, theatrical masks, candles found in the Seven Sleepers' Cavern; the bust of Emperor Marcus Arelius found in homes on the slope are some of the works that can be seen here. The ivory frieze which is one of the finest works of the Museum was found in the homes of the slope in 1969. The work which belongs to 2nd century AD. depicts the war, Emperor Trajan fought against barbarians, Emperor Trajan can be clearly identified in the high relief on the central panel, From here, it is proceeded to the garden of Museum. In the frontal of a temple placed in this garden one can see the friezes of the Pollio Fountain completed and placed thereon, Also pillar heads, and on the west wall, tomb and vow steles are being exhibited here, The large sarcophagus which takes place in the garden is brough't here from the Belevi Mausoleum which is at a distance of 11 km. from Selcuk, It is believed that this Mausoleum of 3rd century B.C., belongs to Antiochos Theos II, died in 246 B.C. in Ephesus, who is one of the kings of Seleukos after Alexander the Great. Today at the site of this Mausoleum which is 23 m. high and has dimensions of 29 .65x29 .65 m. only its pedestal can be seen
From the garden, it is proceeded to the tomb findings hall. Here, interment ceremonies and traditions, and also tomb findings are on display. Also, Mycenaean dishes found in one of the graves which dates back to almost 1400 B.C. and is located at St. Jean, can be seen here. In the middle of this hall, a ciazomenae type sarcophagus of 5th century B.C., found in the Trade Agora of Ephesus and made of baked soil and also the works found in it are being exhibited. Also, the works found in the Seven Sleepers' Cavern are in this hall. In addition, the statue of the mother Goddess Cybele which belongs to 6th century B.C., and the stele of Olympia, the daughter of Diokles of 2nd century B.C. are other works that attract attention.
In the Artemis hall which is visited next, the statues of Artemis and the works found in the Temple of Artemis take place. Both statues of Artemis, one called the Great Artemis and the other called the Beautiful Artemis were found during the excavations made at Ephesus Prytaneion. The Great Artemis is 2.92 m. tall and belongs to 2nd century A.D. and has a triple bonnet on her head. The Beautiful Artemis is 1.74 m. tall and is made about 50 years after the other and besides her, sacred animals take place. These statues, with their multibreasts, represent fertility. The golden goddess statue found in the excavations of the Temple of Artemis which is on display in the showcase belongs to 2nd century B.C. The ivory, baked soil, bronze and golden works belong to the period between 7th and 5th centuries B.C. and were left at the temple as vow articles. From here, it is proceeded to a hall where emperor cults and portraits are on display. The first statue seen in this hall is of 6th century A.D. and belongs to Consul Stephanos. Other portraits which belong to distinguished inhabitants of Ephesus belong to 3rd century A.D. 4 pieces of friezes which belong to Temple of Hadrianus of 3rd century are also being displayed in this hall. In the centre, a part of the altar of Domitian Temple can be seen. Also Julia Paula's bust, and the bust of emperors such as Commodus, Trajan, Nero, Germanicus and Augustus take place here. When we leave this hall after seeing the statues of Augustus and of his wife Livia we shall have completed our tour through the Museum.

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